Sunday, February 24, 2013

Class trip to the skating ring.  Julia had refused to even talk about skating most of the week, but I asked her to try and her dear teacher, Beth, persuaded her to try.  Julia came home victorious declaring that she skated so much that she had a blister on her foot. And she was proud of that blister!

Julia's 12th Birthday

Getting ready for the big party on Friday night, Julia hangs streamers.

Julia made a secret pal gift of a paper crane mobile.  She loves folding the cranes and we had a stock of them finished before we decided on the project.  We strung up the cranes once and it got tangled up and had to be cut apart.  

 I helped Julia in the beginning and her therapist, Michelle, helped put it together.  I love the concentration!

 I love the pride as well!

Friday, February 8, 2013

There are plenty of days when I get word that Julia is not listening or attending at school and so, it is all the more sweet to see pictures of her doing just that. 

 And also seeing her participate in activities with her classmates.  The decision to have her repeat fourth grade has worked very well for her.